
CG Fry Promo

Microsoft Fights Crime

My Showreel

Poste Italiane Promos

Viniv Bordeaux Wine

Confidential Project - Feedback

DTC Brand Film

Property Development Film

Royal College of Art

Norwood Charity Film

Ballantine's Advert

Global Crewing Service

Deloitte Cyber Security

FT Masters of Science

Kids Heart Surgery Fund

Investcorp Brand Films

The Story of a Family Farm

Tattersalls 250th Anniversary

Microsoft Cloud for Good

The Rivers Trust Animation

Gemalto - Smart City in 3D

Microsoft Global Citizenship

'Forces Sauces' Brand Film

Yeo Valley Brand Film

Winter Paralympics Classification

The Queen's Cup for Cartier

Panasonic TV Launch

EY Charity School in India

Liberia - 'Dream to Reality'

The Yeo Valley Cookbook

Jony Ive @Goodwood

Jamie wins 'Catch & Cook'

More Animated Scripts

Presenter Examples